In a major victory for the pursuit of education and fairness, our team at Pax Law Corporation, guided by Samin Mortazavi, recently achieved a significant triumph in a study permit appeal case, highlighting our commitment to justice in Canadian immigration law. This case – Zeinab Vahdati and Vahid Rostami versus The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration – serves as a beacon of hope for those striving for their dreams despite visa challenges.

At the heart of the case was the denial of a study permit application submitted by Zeinab Vahdati. Zeinab wished to pursue a Master’s in Administrative Science, with a specialization in Computer Security and Forensic Administration, at the reputable Fairleigh Dickinson University in British Columbia. The related application was made by her spouse, Vahid Rostami, for a visitor visa.

The initial refusal of their applications came from a visa officer’s suspicion that the couple would not leave Canada at the end of their stay, as mandated by subsection 266(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. The officer cited the applicants’ family ties in Canada and their country of residence, and the purpose of their visit as reasons for the denial.

The case challenged the visa officer’s decision on the grounds of reasonableness, a concept that includes justification, transparency, and intelligibility. We asserted that the refusal of their applications was both unreasonable and a breach of procedural fairness.

After our thorough analysis and presentation, we pointed out the inconsistencies in the officer’s decision, particularly their claims about the couple’s family ties and Zeinab’s study plans. We argued that the officer made a sweeping generalization that having her spouse accompany Zeinab to Canada weakened her ties to Iran, her home country. This argument disregarded the fact that all other members of their family still reside in Iran and they had no family in Canada.

Additionally, we contested the officer’s confusing statements regarding Zeinab’s past and intended studies. The officer had incorrectly stated that her previous studies were “in an unrelated field,” even though her proposed course was a continuation of her past studies and would provide added benefits to her career.

Our efforts paid off when Justice Strickland ruled in our favor, declaring that the decision was neither justified nor intelligible. The judgment stated that the application for judicial review was granted, and the case was set aside to be reassessed by another visa officer.

The victory highlights our tireless commitment at Pax Law Corporation to ensure justice and fairness are upheld. For anyone facing immigration challenges or pursuing dreams of studying in Canada, we stand ready to offer our expert legal assistance.

Proudly serving North Vancouver, we continue to champion the rights of individuals and navigate the often complex realm of Canadian immigration law. The victory in this study permit appeal case reaffirms our dedication to achieving justice for our clients.


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