Judicial Review Decision – Taghdiri v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (2023 FC 1516)

The blog post discusses a judicial review case involving the rejection of Maryam Taghdiri’s study permit application for Canada, which had consequences for her family’s visa applications. The review resulted in a grant for all applicants.


Maryam Taghdiri sought a study permit for Canada, a critical step for her family’s visa applications. Unfortunately, her initial application was denied by a Visa Officer, leading to a judicial review under section 72(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). The officer refused her study permit application due to Maryam’s insufficient family ties outside of Canada, concluding that the officer doubted she would leave Canada at the end of her study.

Ultimately, the judicial review was granted for all applicants, and this blog post delves into the reasons behind this decision.

Applicant’s Background

Maryam Taghdiri, a 39-year-old Iranian citizen, applied for a Master’s program in Public Health at the University of Saskatchewan. She had a strong educational background, including a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree. Maryam had significant professional experience as a Research Assistant and teaching immunology and biology courses

Study Permit Application

After being accepted into the Master of Public Health program in March 2022, Maryam submitted her study permit application in July 2022. Unfortunately, her application was denied in August 2022 due to concerns about her family ties outside of Canada.

Issues and Standard of Review

The judicial review raised two primary issues: the reasonableness of the Officer’s decision and the breach of procedural fairness. The court emphasized the need for a transparent and justifiable decision-making process, focusing on the reasoning behind the decision rather than its correctness.

Family Ties

Visa Officers are required to assess an applicant’s ties to their home country against potential incentives to overstay in Canada. In Maryam’s case, the presence of her spouse and child accompanying her was a point of contention. However, the Officer’s analysis lacked depth, failing to adequately consider the impact of family ties on her intentions.

Study Plan

The Officer also questioned the logic of Maryam’s study plan, given her extensive background in the same field. However, this analysis was incomplete and didn’t engage with critical evidence, such as her employer’s support for her studies and her motivation for pursuing this specific program.


The key takeaway from this case is the importance of transparent, reasoned, and justifiable decision-making in immigration matters. It underscores the need for Visa Officers to thoroughly assess all evidence and consider each applicant’s unique circumstances.

Judicial Review was granted and remitted for redetermination by a different Officer.

If you would like to read more about this decision or more about Samin Mortazavi’s hearings take a look at the Canlii website.

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