Are you involved in a civil dispute?

A civil litigation lawyer can help you in your lawsuit.

We have expertise in resolving civil litigation including cases in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, the Small Claims Court, and various provincial administrative tribunals.

Pax Law’s team and civil litigation lawyer will work diligently to get you the best possible outcome for your case.

You deserve to have your voice heard, your rights protected, and your interested advanced. Our team is here to make sure that happens.

If you are in dispute with an individual or organization and thinking about taking legal action, it is essential to have the support of an experienced civil lawyer like those at Pax Law.

We understand the stress and uncertainty that comes with legal proceedings, we want to resolve your matter out of court if possible, and if it is not possible to resolve the matter out of court we want to help you get through this difficult swiftly and successfully.

There are several avenues available to resolve a civil dispute, depending on the monetary value of the claim:

  • Claims with values below $5,001 will be hear in the Civil Resolution Tribunal;
  • Claims between $5,001 – $35,000 will be heard in Small Claims Court;
  • Those exceeding $35,000 are in the jurisdiction of BC Supreme Court; and
  • In some cases, the claim may be settled outside of the court, through informal negotiation, mediation, or arbitration.

In other cases, a claim may not be appropriate for a court action. For example, in some landlord-tenant disputes, the parties must resolve their issues through the Residential Tenancy Branch.

It is important to make a fully informed decision on the most suitable approach, and our civil lawyers will guide you through that process.

We will help you to:

  1. Understand your options, both regarding your chances of success and the costs involved;
  2. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of fighting in court or settling; and
  3. Recommend the best path forward in your case.

Disputes that can result in civil litigation are as follows:

  • Negligence claims against professionals;
  • Contested estates;
  • Wills variation claims;
  • Construction disputes & builder’s liens;
  • Enforcement of court judgments and debt collection;
  • Contract disputes;
  • Claims of slander & defamation;
  • Shareholder disputes & claims of oppression;
  • Fraud causing monetary loss; and
  • Employment lawsuits.

Successful conclusion of a law suit can lead to court orders in your favor stating the following:

  • Declaratory relief to affirm rights, duties, or obligations.
  • Injunctions to prevent a person from or require a person to perform an action
  • Compensation to recover losses


What does a civil litigation lawyer do?

A civil litigation lawyer represents clients in court disputes before various tribunals, mediations and arbitrations, or negotiations to resolve legal disputes. A civil litigation lawyer can also research your legal issue and explain the strength and weaknesses of your legal case and what options you have to resolve your problem.

What is civil litigation in BC?

Civil litigation is the process of resolving private disputes (disputes between individuals and companies) in court or through arbitration.

What type of cases are best suited for litigation?

Litigation is a very expensive process. You should consider litigation when your dispute involves a substantial amount of money.

What are the four types of civil law?

Nominally, the four types of civil law are tort law, family law, contract law, and property law. However, these areas of law are not quite as separate as this categorization makes them sound. Instead, they are all related to each other, and a single legal problem may have aspects of all four disputes involved in it.

What is the difference between a lawyer and a litigator?

A litigator is a lawyer who has the knowledge, experience, and ability to represent a client in court.

Is dispute resolution the same as litigation?

Litigation is one method of dispute resolution. In short, litigation is the process of starting court proceedings and going through those court proceedings to have a judge make decisions about the dispute.

 How do I start a civil lawsuit in BC?

In the small claims court, you start a civil lawsuit by filing a notice of claim at the court registry. In the Supreme Court, you start a lawsuit by filing a notice of civil claim. However, drafting and preparing court documents is not easy, simple, or quick. You will need to do substantial research into your legal problem to prepare thorough court documents and have a good chance of success.

Do most civil cases go to court?

No, and even most cases that lead to a court action will not end up in trial. It is estimated that 80 – 90% of civil cases settle out of court.

What are the stages of a civil case?

In general, there are the following stages to a civil case:

1) Pleadings stage: where parties file their initial claim, any counterclaims, and any responses.

2) Discovery stage: where the parties gather information about their own case to disclose it to the other party and receive information about the other party’s case.

3) Negotiation stage: where the parties engage in pre-trial negotiation to resolve the issue and save on legal costs. 

4) Trial Preparation: where the parties prepare themselves for trial by gathering documents, preparing witnesses, instructing experts, doing legal research, and so on.

5) Trial: where the parties present their cases to a judge and then wait for the judge’s decision.
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