CBSA Algorithmic Impact Assessment (Draft) for Security Screening Automation

As part of our ongoing efforts to uncover what the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is doing, I’m sharing with you the draft Algorithmic Impact Assessment for their Security Screening Automation (“SSA”) project. Based on a<a href=",intelligence%20and%20performance%20monitoring%20capabilities. This automation project is based on a recent information technology report that disclosed Read more…

How Couples Can Achieve Canadian Permanent Residency Through the BC PNP Entrepreneur Immigration Program

How Couples Can Achieve Canadian Permanent Residency Through the BC PNP Entrepreneur Immigration Program British Columbia, one of Canada’s most economically vibrant and picturesque provinces, is a popular destination for entrepreneurs seeking to establish a business and build a future in Canada. The BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) Entrepreneur Read more…

Langkah-langkah Untuk Mendapatkan Permit Kerja Terbuka Tanpa LMIA Untuk Suami, Isteri atau Pasangan Anda

Sebagai seorang pemegang Permit Kerja Pascasiswazah (juga dikenali sebagai PGWP) di Kanada, anda boleh memohon permit kerja terbuka tanpa Penilaian Impak Pasaran Buruh (LMIA) untuk suami, isteri atau pasangan anda. Bagi tujuan blog ini, kami akan mengunakan terma ‘pasangan’ untuk merujuk kepada suami, isteri atau pasangan dalam hubungan ‘common law‘. Read more…

Can someone with a Canadian post-graduate work permit apply for her spouse to get an LMIA-exempt open work permit, and if so, what are the requirements for such an application?

Yes, a person with a Canadian Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) can apply for their spouse or common-law partner to get an LMIA-exempt open work permit (Labor Market Impact Assessment exempt). However, there are certain conditions that need to be met for the spouse to qualify for the open work permit. Read more…

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