Spousal Support in BC

What is Spousal Support? Spousal support (or alimony) in BC is a periodic or one-time payment from one spouse to another. The entitlement to spousal support arises under section 160 of the Family Law Act (the “FLA”). The court will consider the factors set out in section 161 of the FLA in deciding whether spousal support is appropriate in any given case. Section 162 of the FLA sets out the factors that affect the amount Read more…

Refused Refugee Claims – What You Can Do

If you are in Canada and have had your refugee claim application refused, some options may be available for you. However, there is no guarantee that any applicant is eligible for these processes or will be successful even if they are eligible. Experienced immigration and refugee lawyers can assist you to have the best chances of overturning your refused refugee claim. At the end of the day, Canada cares for the safety of at-risk individuals Read more…

Setting Aside a Prenuptial Agreement

I am often asked about the possibility of setting aside a prenuptial agreement. Some clients want to know whether a prenuptial agreement would protect them if their relationship broke down. Other clients have a prenuptial agreement that they are unhappy with and want it set aside. In this article, I will explain how prenuptial agreements are set aside. I will also write about a 2016 Supreme Court of British Columbia case where the prenuptial agreement Read more…

Becoming a Refugee in Canada

Pax Law Corporation regularly assists clients who are afraid for their health if they were to return to their home countries with applying for refugee status. In this article, you will be able to find detailed information about the requirements and steps to becoming a refugee in Canada. Refugee Status from Inside Canada: Canada offers refugee protection to some individuals in Canada who fear prosecution or would be in danger if they return to their Read more…

How to Become a Permanent Resident of Canada

Becoming a Permanent Resident of Canada Many clients contact Pax Law Corporation to ask our lawyers about becoming permanent residents of Canada. In this article, we will give you an overview of some of ways a prospective immigrant can become a permanent resident (“PR”) in Canada. Permanent Resident Status First, what does it mean to be a permanent resident of Canada? An individual who is a citizen of another country can be granted Canadian permanent Read more…

immigration to Canada

Rejected Canadian Student Visa: A Successful Appeal by Pax Law

Pax Law Corporation’s Samin Mortazavi has successfully appealed another rejected Canadian student visa in the recent case of Vahdati v MCI, 2022 FC 1083 [Vahdati]. Vahdati  was a case where the primary applicant (“PA”) was Ms. Zeinab Vahdati who planned to come to Canada to pursue a two-year Master of Administrative Science, Specialization: Computer Security and Forensic Administration degree at Fairleigh Dickinson University of British Columbia. Ms. Vahdati’s spouse, Mr. Rostami, planned to accompany Ms. Read more…

How Much Does a Divorce Cost in BC in 2023?

How Much Does Divorce Cost in BC? If you are in an unhappy marriage, are considering separation from your spouse, or have been living separate and apart from your spouse for a time, you may wonder about the process of getting divorced from your spouse and the cost of doing so. Process of Divorce To get divorced, you need to go to court in the Supreme Court of British Columbia and ask a judge of Read more…

Separation in BC – How to Protect Your Rights

How to Protect Your Rights After Separation in BC If you have separated from your spouse or are considering separation, you should consider how you will consider your rights to the family property after you separate, especially if the family property is only in your spouse’s name. In this article, I will explain some of the legal resources available to protect your rights after your separation. What is family property? A family’s belongings fall into Read more…

Cohabitation Agreements, Prenuptial Agreement, and Marriage Agreements

Cohabitation Agreements, Prenuptial Agreements, and Marriage Agreements 1 – What is the difference between a prenuptial agreement (“prenup”), cohabitation agreement, and a marriage agreement? In short, there is very little difference between the three agreements above. A prenup or a marriage agreement is a contract you sign with your romantic partner before you get married to them or after marriage when your relationship is still in a good place. A cohabitation agreement is a contract Read more…

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