A Landmark Decision: An In-depth Look into the Rahmati v. The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Case

Pax Law is dedicated to providing insightful and thorough updates on immigration law in Canada. One significant case that’s recently caught our attention is Solmaz Asadi Rahmati v The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, which sheds light on the Canadian study permit application process and the legal principles around it. Read more…

The Vital Role of a Canadian Immigration Lawyer in CBSA Detention Reviews

In the complex landscape of Canadian immigration law, facing a Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) detention review can be daunting. Often filled with legal jargon and procedural intricacies, the process can overwhelm those unversed in the field. That’s where the invaluable assistance of a Canadian immigration lawyer comes in, bringing their expertise and experience to ensure your rights and interests are best represented.

Navigating Immigration Detention Review Hearings with Samin Mortazavi

In the world of immigration law, terms can often seem confusing and daunting. If you or a loved one is detained by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), understanding the complexities of the system becomes critical. Today, we’re going to discuss an essential component of this process: Immigration Detention Review Hearings. More importantly, we’ll explain why retaining the services of Samin Mortazavi, a seasoned Canadian immigration lawyer, can be a game-changer in your case.

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